Privacy & other policies


Fool’s Advantage is committed to a policy of protecting the rights and privacy of individuals in accordance with GDPR, May 2018. To comply with GDPR, personal information about individuals will be collected and used fairly, stored securely, not disclosed to any third party without permission and not kept for longer than necessary. 

Fool’s Advantage collects and process data for the purpose of fulfilling the role of a business consultancy. We will use your personal information (name and contact details) for the simple purpose of contacting you in the process of offering and performing our services.  Any other data provided as input or briefing for any project, or in any way encountered in the course of the project shall be treated with absolute confidentiality.

1. Personal data will be used fairly and lawfully

Fool’s Advantage will ensure subjects are informed of the purpose of the processing and any disclosures to third parties as legally required – for example, under certain circumstances, Fool’s Advantage may be required to disclose personal data if required to do so by law or in response to valid requests by public authorities (e.g. a court or a government agency).

2. Personal data will be used for limited, specifically stated purposes

Data obtained will not be used for purposes that differ from contacting you in the process of offering and performing our services, or for purposes that have been agreed specifically with you for any other legitimate reason.

3. Personal data will be used in a way that is adequate, relevant and not excessive

Data which is not relevant to its purpose will not be obtained, and if voluntarily provided, will not be retained 

4. Personal data will be accurate

Data will be reviewed and updated where necessary on a regular basis. It is the responsibility of the data subject to ensure the data held by Fool’s Advantage is correct and up-to-date 

5. Data will be kept for no longer than is necessary

Any project data provided by clients and not in the public domain will be deleted within a year of completion of the relevant project, or immediately upon client request.

Personal contact data will not be held beyond the point at which contact would be unreasonable.

6. Personal data will be handled according to GDPR 

Data subjects have the right: 

• of access to an electronic copy of the information comprised in their personal data if requested

• to object to processing that is likely to cause or is causing damage or distress 

• in certain circumstances to have inaccurate personal data rectified, blocked, erased or destroyed 

7. All data will be kept safe and secure 

Appropriate technical and organisational measures have been taken to ensure all data is kept safe and secure. This includes data being password protected with controlled access. 

8. Personal data will not be transferred


By submitting data to us, you are deemed to consent to our processing data about you or our business as necessary for contact or consultancy services. Anyone who submits data warrants that the information provided is complete, true and accurate in all respects. Whilst we use all reasonable measures, data transmitted across the internet is potentially insecure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the security of data sent over the internet, including email.


We use the basic Google Analytics service. We do not use any other cookies.


The version of the Rider Waite Smith deck we use is in the public domain in all countries that have a copyright term of 70 years or fewer after the death of the last co-author. This includes the United Kingdom, where the deck was originally published.  Although the deck was known as ‘Rider Waite’ for most of the twentieth century, it was illustrated by Pamela Coleman Smith and we acknowledge her origination.

Copyright ©2023, Fool’s Advantage.


We don’t believe in divination, fortune telling or any kind of psychic mechanism.  The cards we use have no spiritual, religious or metaphysical meaning.  We don’t believe in the Tooth Fairy either.  Fools Advantage are business consultants who use tarot cards as a starting point for discussion.  Conclusions reached via our sessions might be powerful and fresh but they are profoundly human, prosaically earthly and spring from no source greater than the brains in the room.  However great they might be.